Teatro Carlos Alberto

The Drama Club in Teacher Training

guidance Joana Félix (PNA), Rita Pinheiro (TNSJ)

The Drama Club in Teacher Training


Aimed at teachers who provide guidance to their school’s Drama Club, this event intends to explore strategies that will bring the students’ abilities to the fore. The Drama Club is seen here as a laboratory of pedagogic innovation, focused on the development of those skills that are expected from students at the end of compulsory education, such as personal development and autonomy, problem-solving, interpersonal relations, critical and creative thinking and aesthetic and artistic sensibility, all of them connected to processes of experimentation and fruition.

Teachers Training Event in partnership with PNA – Plano Nacional das Artes; accredited by the Guilhermina Suggia Training Centre’s Scientific and Pedagogic Council for Continual Training.


guidance Joana Félix (PNA), Rita Pinheiro (TNSJ)

target teachers of all learning levels and categories

number of participants 20

duration 25 horas registration free here