Teatro São João

Manuela Rey Is In Da House

dramaturgy and direction Fran Núñez

Manuela Rey Is In Da House


It all began in Northern Galicia, in a remote corner of Mondoñedo, on 1 October 1842. That was the birthplace of Manuela Rey, who, under not yet fully known circumstances, migrated at a very young age to Portugal, where she became one of the most famous actresses of her time. She made her debut at the age of 15, on the stage of Lisbon’s Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, the first act in a phenomenal career that was cut short by her untimely death in 1866 (she was only 23 years old). In his book Vinte Anos de Vida Literária, Alberto Pimentel remembers the actress, whom he saw perform on the Teatro São João stage: “A white-winged, blond-haired cherub.” Now, Teatro do Noroeste – Centro Dramático de Viana revives the fabulous and vaguely enigmatic story of this actress and writer, by producing Manuela Rey Is In Da House, a play directed and dramaturgically supervised by Fran Núñez (the director of Centro Dramático Galego) that acts as a sort of triumphant stage comeback for Manuela Rey.


dramaturgy and direction Fran Núñez

texts Almeida Garrett, Eduardo Augusto Vidal, Ernesto Marecos, Manuela Rey, Paula Ballesteros, Sousa Bastos, Xaquín Núñez Sabarís and cast creation support Neto Portela music Xosé Lois Romero set design and costumes Pedro Azevedo lighting design Nuno Meira movement support Guilherme de Sousa historical advice Paula Ballesteros (INCIPIT/CSIC researcher) special collaboration Paula Mora (last actress of the TNDM II in-house cast) documentation Andrés García, Antonio Reigosa, Consello da Cultura Galega, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Museu Nacional do Teatro e da Dança

cast Mariana Carballal, Neto Portela, Nuno J. Loureiro, Rafaela Sá, Raquel Crespo, Teresa Vieira, Xosé Lois Romero

co-produced by Centro Dramático Galego (Spain), Teatro do Noroeste – Centro Dramático de Viana, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Teatro Nacional São João

opening 10 Nov 2023 Teatro do Noroeste (Viana do Castelo) playing time 1:20 Ages 16 and up
ticket prices 7,50 € – 16,00 €


Teatro São João

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