Teatro Carlos Alberto

texto e encenação Tiago Rodrigues


As in the fable, this Bela Adormecida [Sleeping Beauty] is embodied by someone in the process of waking to the world. Its name is Companhia Maior [Major Company], not because of being especially large, but because it has the particularity (unique in Portugal) of being made up of people – actors, musicians, dancers and more – who are all in their sixties. The show is signed by Tiago Rodrigues , an actor, playwright and stage director born in 1977 who found in the fairy tale the perfect materials to deal with the subjects on which the company is based: the passing of time, the value of experience, the gift of memory, the importance of a second chance. A contemporary variation (in a major tone) of a classic, Sleeping Beauty also includes the decanted materials of the players’ personal stories and experiences, revealing themselves in hoarser voices, white hairs and reading glasses.


text and direction Tiago Rodrigues

set design Thomas Walgrave

costumes Patrícia Raposo

video Bruno Canas

direction assistance Cláudia Gaiolas

cast António Pedrosa, Carlos Nery, Celeste Melo, Cristina Gonçalves, Diana Coelho, Helena Marchand, Isabel Millet, Isabel Simões, Iva Delgado, Júlia Guerra, Kimberley Ribeiro, Manuela de Sousa Rama, Michel, Vítor Lopes

co-produced by Mundo Perfeito, Companhia Maior, CCB

playing time 1:30

recommended for M/12 anos


Teatro Carlos Alberto

Rua das Oliveiras 43, 4050-157 Porto, Portugal · Google Maps · Apple Maps · OpenStreetMap
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