Teatro Carlos Alberto

Cómo Convertirse en Piedra

direction, dramaturgy and sound design Manuela Infante

Fundación Teatro a Mil

Cómo Convertirse en Piedra


The Chilean playwright and stage director Manuela Infante offers us “a mineral play”, Cómo Convertirse en Piedra [How to Turn into Stone], a sort of tutorial, so to speak. As non-living things, stones can act as models for a different kind of resistance. They cast a new light on the current rhetoric of life (and the living), which is rooted in concepts from our present, such as growth, progress and development. This show examines the common features of geological formations and workers’ bodies, their shared stories of extraction and exhaustion. Three actors operate puppets and objects, working their puppet-bodies. They convey eroded narratives, piled on top of each other through the use of loops and sound treatment, as if the stories were layers of sedimented materials. We are also made of stone, and we can also be mined. How to Turn into Stone tells us of what we may find written in the stones and of the stony writing that can be found in us.


direction, dramaturgy and sound design Manuela Infante

design Rocio Hernández visuals Pablo Mois visuals design and light-sound programming Alex Waghorn choreography Diana Carvajal music collaboration Valentina Villarroel, Marcos Meza with music by Eliane Radigue, Pauline Oliveros, Kali Malone, Senyawa, Beverly Glenn-Copeland research and dramaturgy Camila Valladares production Carmina Infante, Sergio Gilabert

cast Marcela Salinas, Aliocha de la Sotta, Rodrigo Pérez

co-produced by Centro Cultural Matucana 100, Fundación Teatro a Mil, NAVE, Parque Cultural de Valparaíso (Chile), Kyoto Experiment Festival (Japan)

The FIMP hosts this show in partnership with Festival de Otoño de la Comunidad de Madrid, Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Cádiz, Fundación Teatro a Mil and Dirección de Asuntos Culturales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile.

opening 23 Set 2021 Centro Cultural Matucana 100 (Chile) playing time 1:30 Ages 16 and up

Show in Castilian, Portuguese subtitles.


Teatro Carlos Alberto

Rua das Oliveiras 43, 4050-157 Porto, Portugal · Google Maps · Apple Maps · OpenStreetMap
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· dom · 15:00