Teatro Carlos Alberto


set design and direction Mario Vega
unahoramenos producciones (Espanha)



Before being destroyed by a fire in 2020, the Moria refugee camp was already a hell on earth. Located on the Greek island of Lesbos, it hosted up to 13 thousand people in infra-human conditions. Staged by Spanish director Mario Vega, Moria is an immersive, documental journey into what many have described as the “worst refugee camp in Europe”. Inside a tent, actresses Ruth Sánchez and Marta Viera lend their bodies and voices to the real-life testimonies of Afghan Zohra Amiryar and Iraqui Douaa Alhavatem, two of the many lives that found themselves interrupted and violated on the isle of Lesbos. From the hell they had escaped in their native countries to the unforeseen hell they experienced in European soil, we witness an itinerary made of hope and celebration, shame and fear, constantly under the deathly shadow that fell on Moria, “Europe’s shame”.


set design and direction Mario Vega

text Ruth Sánchez, Marta Viera, Mario Vega, Luis O’Malley, Nicolás Castellano, Valentín Rodríguez based on interviews with Saleha Ahmadzai, Zohra Amiryar (Afghanistan), Douaa Alhavatem (Iraq) pedagogical development Gemma Quintana dramaturgy Luis O’Malley photography and video Anna Surinyach voice-over Angels Barceló, Susana Moyano and Salim Yeraij Hanna content advisor Nicolás Castellano lighting design and projection Tony Perera sound design Blas Acosta general production Valentín Rodríguez

cast Marta Viera, Andrea Zoghbi

produced by unahoramenos producciones (Spain)

opening 29 Jan 2021 SIT – Sala Insular de Teatro (Gran Canaria, Spain) playing time 45’ Ages 12 and up

Show in Castilian, Portuguese subtitles