Teatro Carlos Alberto


artistic direction and staging Gonçalo Amorim





Ainda Não Temos Imagens de Guerra Onde Nasça o Amor.

A.N.T.Í.G.O.N.A was created out of the traces left by the many and various texts written around Antigone (rewritings, essays, approximations). This polysemic approach, reinforced by the creative support of a multidisciplinary team of artists, lies at the base of the Teatro Experimental do Porto’s new perspective on Sophocles’ play. At a time when such concepts as democracy, citizenship, justice and human rights are making an urgent comeback to the order of the day, this universal story is ripe for a revival. And, while our empathy with Antigone is quite unanimous, such unanimity can seem strange, when history shows that we have often opted to side with Creon. The polysemy of A.N.T.Í.G.O.N.A provides a broad canvas for the exploration of these themes, thus “plucking up courage and renewing empathy”. This rescueturgy, staged by Gonçalo Amorim, tells the story of A.N.T.Í.G.O.N.A, the multidisciplinary collective of activists that managed to put an end to capitalism.


artistic direction and staging
Gonçalo Amorim

dramaturgy and co-creation Gonçalo Amorim, Marta Figueiredo, Raquel S. co-creation Cárin Geada, Carolina Dinis, Catarina Barros, Isabel Costa, Luísa Sequeira, Matilde Gandra, Mia Tomé, Patrícia Gonçalves, Pedro Vilela, Sama, Susana Paixão visual direction and costumes Catarina Barros lighting design Cárin Geada video Luísa Sequeira

artists-performers Carolina Dinis, Gonçalo Amorim, Isabel Costa, Luísa Sequeira, Matilde Gandra, Mia Tomé, Patrícia Gonçalves, Pedro Vilela, Raquel S., Sama, Susana Paixão

creative support to the artistic residency Diana Narciso, Hugo Inácio, Joana Mesquita, Maria Inês Peixoto, Mariana Silva Costa, Rui Pina Coelho

direction and production assistance Patrícia Gonçalves set design and costumes assistance Susana Paixão general production Teresa Leal

co-produced by Teatro Experimental do Porto, Teatro Nacional São João

dur. aprox. 2:00
M/12 anos


Teatro Carlos Alberto

Rua das Oliveiras 43, 4050-157 Porto, Portugal · Google Maps · Apple Maps · OpenStreetMap
· qua · 20:00
· qui · 20:00
· sex · 20:00Post-show talk
· sáb · 18:00Portuguese Sign Language