Teatro São João

Neve – Paisagens, Máquinas, Animais

choreography and direction Né Barros

DDD - Festival Dias da Dança

Neve – Paisagens, Máquinas, Animais


Choreographer Né Barros continues her exploration of the landscape and of the body as landscape in Neve [Snow], a multidisciplinary fiction where affections are extended to landscapes and places. Part of Paisagens, Máquinas e Animais, a series that began in 2019 with IO, this piece interweaves music, film and architecture, poetically exploring memory, change and the cyclical passage from one state to another. Neve is a place, a layer, where circulation through the three dimensions – Landscapes, Machines and Animals – generates vanishing points that enrich our humanity and open new ways to approach the dancing body. This “body-in-gesture” remains the subject of Né Barros’ attention, always focused on the survival of the gesture and on the conquest of a narrative space: “What will happen to that body over there, all alone in that empty space?”


choreography and direction Né Barros

music Carlos Guedes
set design FAHR 021.3 movie Filipe Martins director of photography Miguel Sevivas flautist Cristina Ioan/ Clara Saleiro lighting design José Álvaro Correia costumes Flávio Rodrigues

executive production Lucinda Gomes

performed by Afonso Cunha, Beatriz Valentim, Bruno Senune, Luís Guerra (movie)

co-produced by Balleteatro, Teatro Nacional São João

residency support Arquipélago – Centro de Artes Contemporâneas, New York University Abu Dhabi

support Câmara Municipal do Porto within the context of the Shuttle programme

opening 9 Apr 2022 Convento São Francisco (Coimbra)

playing time 1:00 Ages 6 and up


Teatro São João

Praça da Batalha 112, 4000-101 Porto, Portugal · Google Maps · Apple Maps · OpenStreetMap
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